Saturday, October 11, 2014

Welcome To The Circus!

After years of people telling me to write a book about our experiences, I'm doing the online equivalent and starting a new blog.

A little about me -
- I'm almost 40 <shudder>.
- I'm originally from the UK but now live in Colorado.
- I've spent a lot of time at university collecting letters, but that seems like a very long time ago.
- I married a military guy and we are both counting down the days until his retirement.
- We have a little boy, who is amazing! He was also diagnosed with moderate/severe classic autism at the age of 2.

So, what's the point of this blog? It's mainly to record our experiences with autism and parenting.
I should probably add to this where I stand on the autism debate.

- I believe autism is biological.
- I believe it can be remediated with a combination approach.
- I think the cause of autism is likely genetic predetermination for specific biological mechanisms that are disrupted with environmental exposure.
- All children with autism are different. What has worked for us might not work for you.
- I believe in science and testing.
- I don't wear (or own) a tinfoil hat.

So, that covers some of the main points. I'm sure I will think of 500 other items as I go along, but, I will start by making a promise. I tell the truth about our experiences, good, bad or indifferent.

I can't promise all sunshine and roses, life simply isn't like that, although this blog will also not be a depression-filled whine. And with that, onward I say!

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